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Perkin Elmer and BIF collab to help train local businesses

University of Technology, Sydney

The Biologics Innovation Facility (BIF) in collaboration with PerkinElmer have established a training facility to assist local biotech companies and academia to have access to the PerkinElmer’s LabChip® technology. The facility acts as a centre for demonstrations, method development, and training.

Training in progress! (LtoR) Dr Xin Sun (NeuClone), Dr Sushil Gupta (NeuClone), Dr Angelo Perani (NeuClone), Dr Parisa Asvadi (NeuClone), Kristine Flores (UTS), Renee Poropat (Perkin Elmer)

In June, NeuClone, a Sydney based biotherapeutic company, received training on the LabChip GX II Touch instrument and software, while they waited upon delivery of their newly purchased instrument. Training at the facility ensured that once their instrument arrived critical work could commence. Further access would also be allowed to support NeuClone’s ongoing pre- and early clinical programs.


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